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7 Powerful Ways of Using Google Trends for Website & Content Optimisation - Reinvent Digital


7 Powerful Ways That Nobody Told You About Using Google Trends for Website & Content Optimisation

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  • 6 min read

Whether you’re just starting out with your website or you’ve been in the game for a while, there are many ways to use Google Trends to optimise your website and content. You can target specific search intents and queries, discover insights from time-based trends, and get more accurate data by comparing keywords. Well, if you need solid SEO strategies that make the most of Google Trends, hire the services of the most renowned professional SEO company.

What is Google Trends?

Google Trends provides a way to identify and compare the most popular search terms. It also gives you a look at some of the most popular news stories, search types, and geographic trends. The site is free to use, and users can get started right away – talk to the top notch SEO company to take your SEO campaign to the next level.

  • In a nutshell, Trends gives you a largely unfiltered view of actual searches that people make on the Internet. You can use this data to help you understand if a particular keyword is becoming more or less popular over time.
  • One of the most useful functions of Trends is a comparison of up to five keywords. You can view the top results from each term, along with a chart showing how much search volume each had over a given period.
  • For instance, if you are looking for the fastest-growing niche in your industry, Google Trends can help you find the topic that is growing faster than others. With the right marketing and SEO channels, you can tap into the market and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Another great use for Google Trends is to analyse seasonal trends. Seasonal peaks and bottoms can be found in the search bar, and you can also view them in the “Explore” section. This is particularly important for businesses that have products or services that are only available during certain times of the year.
  • The Google Trends homepage also displays the latest trending topics.

The 7 Offerings of Google Trends

Facilitation of Accurate Data

Getting more accurate data is always a good idea when optimising your website and content. For instance, tracking search volume for your most popular keywords and LSIs can help you make informed business decisions. According to the best website SEO services agency, you can see if your target audience has an affinity for certain niches.

  • You can use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to determine the best keywords for your website and content. The data will show you the most commonly searched keywords and their average monthly searches. In addition, it will give you an indication of how many other competitors are bidding on those keywords. This information can be used to optimise your content for better rankings.
  • You should also take the time to explore Google’s trending searches page to get a better idea of how your target audience is searching for your product or service. The best part about this feature is you can compare your results against competitors in a matter of seconds.
  • For instance, if you’re planning a location based marketing campaign, the Google trending searches map can help you decide which areas to optimise your website for.

Leveraging Time-based Trends

Using Google Trends to identify time-based trends can help you optimise your website and content. By looking at trends, you can learn about your audience and determine which topics are most popular. These trends can be used to plan your editorial calendar, create content that engages the audience, and optimise your SEO strategy – consult the best search engine optimization services agency for better outreach.

  • The first thing to do is to take a look at the Trends table. This is a table that lists the most popular keywords and searches related to each topic. The numbers and stats in this table can help you discover insights from time-based trends. You can also look for trends by geographic region. For example, you can use this table to find out the most popular cities and towns in the US and other countries.
  • You can also see which topics have a peak seasonality. This can help you plan your content schedule for different seasons. For example, if you are creating content around a new product launch, you can use the information to determine when to release your content.

Broadened Reach Through Related Queries’ Feature

One of the most useful features of Google trends is the “related queries” feature. This is a list of keywords that share a common concept or interest. It can be used to see which topics are more popular, or to make content calendars and seed keyword lists.

  • By leveraging the power of this feature, you can plan content that resonates with your audience, as well as understand your search and social performance in a much broader way.
  • This can give you insight into what your target market is searching for, and what your competitors are doing. You can also compare your brand’s performance to the competition, which can help you improve your branding strategy.
  • For example, professional SEO services can help you identify popular cities, products and services, and influencers. And you will understand the demographics of your audience and the channels they prefer to consume content on.


Integration of Seasonality in SEO

Whether you are looking to increase traffic or find new niches, Google Trends can be an invaluable resource. It can help you identify seasonality and predict the future SEO trends for your website – you need the assistance of a website SEO services agency here.

  • It can also help you determine the best time to update popular SEO posts to stay ahead of your competition. It can also show you data on other mediums, such as social media. You can also use Google Trends to find influencers and track their social media success.
  • You can also check out how the public reacts to news stories. With this information, you can find out if your audience is ready for your content. If you are planning to release a new video, you can make sure it is relevant to the topic.
  • Google Trends can help you prepare for seasonality, track the popularity of certain topics and learn about your audience. It can also help you determine a featured image for your blog post.
  • If you are a small business, you can also use this data to find a niche that is growing quickly. This will save you money and help you expand your catalogue.

Categorised Keywords

Google Trends will help you select keywords by category – in other words, keywords that will draw a specific crowd to your site and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your content marketing efforts.

  • For instance, if you’re a shoe company, you may want to write a post comparing the latest models with previous models. This will not only attract visitors, but also show off your brand.
  • Another good use of Google trends is to see what search queries are the most popular. You can also use the search engine to find trends within a specific country or sub-region. It’ll be lucrative to heed the advice of a professional SEO services agency here.

Ease of Identification of Data by Geography

According to the acclaimed SEO services company, Identifying keyword data by geography is a great way to optimise your website and content. The Google Trends tool is a good helping hand here. It gives you a plethora of demographic and geographic information. You can narrow the information down by category, which will give you a more accurate picture of your target audience.

  • The Search Console can also provide additional keyword research data. While it may not be a comprehensive list of all possible keywords, it does show you which pages are ranking for certain keyword phrases. This can also be a good indicator of low CTR landing pages.
  • Another tool is Google’s Keywords Overview Tool. This tool shows you how many people searched for a particular keyword in the past month. It also lists the top ten most searched for keywords for each term. The site also shows you cost per click and other metrics.
  • The Google Keywords Overview Tool also includes a Trending Keywords box. This is a list of keywords that have increased their search volume in the last 30 days. This can be useful information if you are trying to promote a website or blog.

The Fabulous Search Intent’ Optimisation

Whether you are looking for new content topics to add to your website or optimising your posts to increase your audience, targeting search intents with Google Trends can be a great way to do so. The tool allows you to analyse keywords and the relative popularity of terms. This helps you to determine the right keywords for your target market and your site.

  • If you’re a small local business or startup, you can use Google Trends to see what’s trending in your area. You can also check what’s popular in the rest of the world – or the best way to go forward is to seek assistance from professional SEO services.
  • When a big event occurs, it can cause searches for certain keywords to spike. This can provide an immediate boost for your content. You can also use this information to help plan out your editorial calendars for holidays and other times of the year.
  • If you want to learn more about Google Trends, you may get in touch with Reinvent Digital, the best seo services company.

Take Home Message

Using Google Trends to optimise your website & content can provide valuable insights into the trends that matter to your business. When used correctly, Google Trends can help you understand your audience and determine the best time to publish your content. It also allows you to track and monitor political and entertainment trends.

  • Search volume is an important metric to measure keyword popularity. When a term is searched on Google, it drives new traffic to your site. However, this is not the only metric you need to know. You can use Google Trends to gauge interest in specific regions or topics, and find out when the most interest is happening.
  • The related queries feature of Google Trends can help you identify searches that are related to your query. This can be helpful in creating content calendars or seeding keywords.
  • Another great feature of Google Trends is the comparison feature. You can compare a keyword to other keywords to see how well you rank for a specific term. You can also use this feature to create clusters of topics.

We hope we’ve guided you through the 7 powerful ways of using Google Trends for website & content optimisation. If you have any questions or you need professional help, Reinvent Digital, the renowned professional SEO company welcomes you with open arms.


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